
Thursday, 5 March 2020

6 Sentence Starters

My Sentences

1. Im eating my lunch, at school.

2. By the school, there was a policemen.

3. Did you do your homework?.

4. Getting ready for swimming.

5. Changed, and going to school.

6. Finally, it is the weekends.

Pacific Islands Global Warming

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Thank you letter to Vector wero| White water rafting.

Thank you Vector wero.

Thank white water rafting for helping me learn all the skills I need to go rafting. It was really fun. Learning about safety was really good too,  Also thank you to my guide who guided me through the course. I would also like to thank you for taking your time out and teach us all about the dangers of rafting. I would like to thank you for teaching us how to swim against strong currents.

I would like to thank you for making us have fun and taking care of us, and making sure we were safe. I know next time if there is a time where we have to go on a raft, then I will know what to do. Also thank you to the person who gave us this oppertunity to go on this really Awesome trip.